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How to get into a Workout Routine and Stick to it

Hi! If you've been trying to get into a regular workout routine, then this article is for you! Find below a list of my tips for setting up a plan and sticking to it!

Also, since committing to working out consistently, I have found that I sleep better, feel less anxious, and am generally just happier - because endorphins make you happy! I've always found that if I don't feel great or I'm a little down about something, movement makes me feel a lot better, which was kind of a life saver last March in quarantine!

Here's how I committed to an active lifestyle and consistent workout plan:

1. Mindset

Your workout should be something that you look forward to, not something you feel like you're doing to punish your body. Think about your workout as a celebration of what your body can do or a way that you're taking care of yourself. Don't force yourself to the gym to do something you really hate because realistically, you probably won't keep going.

I look forward to working out each day because I do things I enjoy - something that I'll talk about more a little later on. If you feel like you dread exercise every day, then you should probably start trying something different!

2. Start with a Plan / Commit

If you're having a hard time sticking to going to the gym/ working out, try doing some kind of plan. I think this can help hold you accountable, and the feeling of finishing it is so rewarding.

When I moved down to Hilton Head last year and started working in a restaurant, my schedule changed drastically and I was having a hard time motivating myself to be active outside of my job. I re-started the Kayla Itsines BBG program for like the 4th or 5th time .... and this time I finally finished it! I liked having some structure, but learned to be flexible with it - something I will speak more on later!

You don't have to commit to a 24 week plan to stay active. Start with something small if you're just starting out. There are tons of free ones online - Pinterest and Youtube are both great resources especially if you are interested in some kind of strength training or pilates. I am a big fan of Chloe Ting and Sydney Cummings on Youtube both of which have free programs!

You can even just make your own program which could be as simple as a certain distance to walk a few times a week. The important thing is just COMMITTING to it. Maybe start by committing to do something just for three weeks - 21 days is all it takes to make something into a habit!

A few weeks ago, I read Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis and one of my biggest takeaways from the book was all about commitment. If you tell yourself you're going to work out one day, then do it. If you start flaking on yourself all the time, then you won't trust or follow the commitments you make to yourself.

3. Schedule it in

Make time to work out every day. If you plan a time each day to work out, you'll be more likely to show up and begin to make a habit out of your workouts. Write it down in your planner or whatever you need to do to make sure its part of your day. If you're having a hard time committing to your scheduled workouts, try starting off by booking some classes - at least for me if I am financially committed to something, then I will definitely be there. If you don't want to make a financial commitment, you can also just schedule times to workout with a friend. This will hold you both accountable for being there!

Along with this, schedule your workouts at a time when you feel the best. If you're not a morning person, don't try to make yourself get up at the crack of dawn to workout, just go in the afternoon!

4. Be Flexible

Basically, don't be so rigid in your workout plans that you start to resent or dread them. If its a beautiful day out, then go outside and do something! If your friend wants to go on a walk or a yoga class, skip the gym and go!

When I finally completed BBG, I was able to do it because I took a different approach than the times that I had given up and quit. I just made sure to complete the workouts at some point during the week - it didn't strictly have to be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When I was having some knee pain - jumping was OUT until I felt like it would be okay (we'll get to listening to your body later on). Basically, just don't be too hard on yourself!

5. Add Variety

If you're getting bored of working out, then switch it up! Fitness doesn't have to look like a lifting workout everyday. Try different classes, videos, or whatever helps you stay interested and motivated.

Try everything until you find what works for you, and if you start to get bored of what you're doing, try more new things!

6. Listen to your Body

This is the most important thing in my opinion. If you're tired and feel like you need rest, don't push yourself. Your body will tell you what it needs - some days it may be a challenging HIIT workout and some days it might be a short walk and some restorative yoga.

Follow what feels best to you. My workouts and fitness goals have changed a lot over the past few years, as I've gone through phases with different things. While I lived abroad in Peru, all of my workouts were hiking and yoga. Last year I got really into running when I was training for a half marathon - when the marathon got canceled I stopped running and haven't really gotten back into it. Lately I've been lifting a lot and walking a lot, which has made me feel strong and confident and I've ENJOYED it. In a few months that might not be my thing anymore and that's okay!

Overall, the biggest challenge is just building the habit. Once its there, I've found that its easier to stick with working out. I've recognized that I feel better both mentally and physically when I'm working out regularly, which helps me to stay motivated and keep showing up for myself.

If you have other tips, drop them in the comments!


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