I was introduced to the idea of LISS (low intensity steady state cardio) when I did the first Bikini Body Guide program by Kayla Itsines. This program gives you three workouts a week which are supplemented with sessions of HIIT (high intensity interval training) and LISS cardio - basically walking, a light jog, biking or any type of cardio that keeps the heart rate steady.
I always had thought that the only way to really burn a lot of calories was by doing some kind of intense cardio, which for me was always running a mile or mile and a half as fast as I could at the gym, before going to lift. I am not a physical trainer, nor do I have any kind of exercise certification (yet!) so everything I have learned about training, types of cardio, and calorie burn has been from both personal experience and personal research!
So let's get into it... what really is LISS? This is any type of exercise that you can do for an extended amount of time without over exerting yourself. My favorites are walking and biking. This builds endurance, and keeps our heart rate at only about 50-65% of its max rate. Its still an effective way to burn fat and calories, because it trains your body to use fat for fuel, rather than the glycogen stored in the muscles. It also is a good way to recover from a tough workout, and requires little to know recovery because it doesn't put significant strain on the body. One of the other most important benefits of LISS is that it is great for mental health because it boosts your mood and gives you some time to reflect and relax!
Personally, I have found a lot of this to be true. When I went to college, I was walking a lot more regularly than I did in high school, and pretty much maintained my weight despite doing much less intense workouts. I found this to be especially true when I studied abroad in Spain. Due to my refusal to spend the time to figure out the public transportation, I ended up walking everywhere I wanted to go, even if it took an hour or so. I was working out at the gym a lot less regularly (a lot less HIIT and running), and I was eating so. much. bread. - and drinking so much sangria. However, I actually ended up losing some weight over the five months I was there, which I definitely contribute to the amount that I was walking. I also found it interesting that the exercise culture is a lot different in Spain (and a lot of the Mediterranean countries) than in the United States. Although less people are dedicated gym-goers like a lot of Americans, the people were generally slimmer. I think a lot of this has to do with the amount that people in these countries walk - along with a diet consisting of more whole foods, fruits, and vegetables.
Recently, I have been trying to incorporate more LISS into my daily routine. I'm lucky that I live in a place that stays pretty warm all year round When I have time in the mornings, I like to go on a 20-30 minute walk before I do anything else - this is a nice time to get some fresh air, listen to a podcast, and get your blood flowing. This also helps to boost your metabolism for the day so that you can burn more calories! Another thing I have found that I really enjoy doing is going for long bike rides, which is a nice way to explore, and again listen to podcasts (clearly I'm a little obsessed). I have also gotten into the habit of watching tv shows on the treadmill at the gym, while walking at a steady pace with a slight incline. Now that my job requires me to sit at a computer all day, I'd rather spend any kind of tv/ relaxation time moving rather than sitting more!
So how can you incorporate more LISS into your daily life? I generally try to walk or bike anywhere that isn't too far which is a good way to get in a little exercise and to start to reduce your carbon footprint! When I call my mom or a friend to catch up, I usually try to do it while walking around my neighborhood. Also, like I said before I like to watch tv or movies while walking on the treadmill - if you don't have a treadmill though you could even just walk or march in place for a bit instead of just sitting!
At the end of the day, if you really want to burn a lot of calories, incorporating LISS into your workout routine is good because it will build your endurance, and studies have shown that mixing up your exercise is one of the best ways to burn calories and reach your fitness goals! Even if this isn't your goal, incorporating LISS into your daily life is important just to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and feel your best :)
