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Journal Prompts for the Chakras

The seven chakras were a concept that really interested me before my yoga training, and after completing my training I've continued to read and study them. The idea is basically that we have seven wheels or centers of energy running along our spine (or technically Sushumma nadi). The chakras are located at major nerve centers in the body and correlate to different functions in life. The nadis are the energy channels running through the body - Sushumma nadi is the main one that runs along the spine and carries the energy of the chakras. When the chakras are in balance then the wheels turn and energy flows along the nadi. When a chakra is blocked, then the energy is blocked which results in physical and emotional problems.

Below you will find a brief description of each chakra and some journal prompts correlating with each one - hope you enjoy!

Muladhara - The Root Chakra

This is the first and lowest chakra. Muladhara chakra is located at the base of the spine. Its function is survival and to ground us in life. Its key element is earth. Strength in this chakra can come from a stable home and job, good relationships, and security. Weakness in this chakra is seen in financial problems, trouble keeping a job, or a lack of a solid foundation in life. People with problems in this chakra can also exhibit aggression due to feelings of insecurity. When we are strong or open in this chakra we feel as though we have a right to be here and are secure. This builds a strong base to have openness in the other chakras.

  1. Do I have stability in my life? Where does that stability come from?

  2. Do I have routines? Which routines (daily, weekly, monthly, whatever!) make me feel secure?

  3. Do I have people in my life that make me feel safe? Who are they?

  4. Do I regularly connect with nature?

  5. How do I make my body feel strong and healthy? Am I exercising regularly? Am I giving myself proper nourishment?

Svadhisthana - The Sacral Chakra

This is the second chakra moving up the body. It is located at the sacrum and its purpose is the experience of pleasure and the ability to create. Its element is water. When we are strong in this chakra, we are able to experience pleasure in moderation. We are also able to create and express ourselves. If this chakra is too open (out of balance) we may experience addictions and overindulge in activities that give us fleeting pleasure, like sex, drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling, etc. If this chakra is too closed off, then we don’t allow ourselves to experience pleasure and lose our creative spark. We want to find balance in this chakra, so we can experience pleasure in moderation.

  1. Where do I find the most pleasure?

  2. Do I have enough pleasure in my life? Do I enjoy things too much or do I force myself to restrain from activities that are simply meant for enjoyment?

  3. Can I express myself creatively?

  4. What are my favorite creative outlets?

  5. Am I able to feel and express my emotions in a healthy way? What are these ways, and are there things I could do to improve them?

Manipura - The Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura is the third chakra as we move up sushumna nadi. This chakra is located at the navel. Its function is personal power. It is the fire that ignites our desire to pursue our passions - so its element is fire. When we are strong in this chakra, we feel empowered, confident, and able. When this chakra is closed off, then we may be listless and powerless. We won’t pursue our passions and goals. If this chakra is too open, we do not give ourselves a break, and can become tired and burnt out. We want this chakra to be open to the point that we feel empowered and pursue our goals, without overdoing it.

  1. What motivates me?

  2. Am I pursuing things for which I have a passion?

  3. Have I found my fire?

  4. What makes me feel empowered? Am I feeling this way often enough?

  5. Do I feel like my life has a purpose? What is that purpose?

  6. Can I find happiness within me or do I need to find happiness from external sources?

Anahata - The Heart Chakra

Our fourth chakra is Anahata, the Heart Chakra. As indicated in its name, this chakra is located at the heart. Its function is love. When we are open in this chakra, we are able to love both ourselves and others. This is evident in the compassion we put into the world, the way we treat others, and in the strength of our relationships. If this chakra is closed off, then we struggle to connect with others, and feel isolated. When this chakra is open and in balance, then we feel loved and feel the joy of the world around us. We are able to easily connect with others and nature.

  1. What brings me joy?

  2. Write a letter to a close friend or loved one.

  3. What makes me feel the most connected to the people I love?

  4. Where do I see compassion in the world?

  5. Describe a time when you felt pure joy or love.

  6. For what am I grateful?

Visuddha - The Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra, Visuddha, is located at the throat. This chakra gives you your voice to speak your beliefs and communicate with others. This chakra is associated with expressing yourself and being heard by others. When this chakra is blocked or under active it can manifest in depression, anxiety or low self esteem. This is a result of an inability to speak or express ourselves. If this chakra is over active then we may being speaking too much - talking without a clear point or interrupting others and struggling to listen. When this chakra is in balance we can express ourselves but also listen to others express themselves.

  1. How do I best express myself?

  2. Am I more of a sharer or a listener?

  3. Do I feel heard?

  4. Are there things that I am carrying with me that I can't express?

  5. When was the last time I used my voice to stand up for something I believe in?

Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra

Ajna, the sixth chakra, is located at the forehead like a "third eye." This chakra is associated with higher knowledge and intuition. This chakra is associated with imagination and visualization. We trust our intuition when this chakra is in balance, and when it is not then we feel uncertain and close minded. An open Third Eye Chakra allows us to be self aware and open-minded. A closed or imbalanced chakra makes us feel lost and stuck.

  1. Am I open to new ideas?

  2. Do I trust in myself to make good decisions?

  3. What are my greater plans or plans for the future?

  4. How do I quiet my mind and connect with myself?

  5. Describe a time that you trusted in your intuition.

Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra

The final chakra is located at the top of the head. This is where the energy of all the nadis and the chakras meets. This chakra represents self realization which is the ultimate goal of a meditation and yoga practice. In order for this chakra to be open and balanced, the other chakras must be in alignment. This chakra allows you to look at the world as a whole instead of just focusing on yourself. When this chakra is blocked then we feel confused and unable to focus.

  1. When do I feel the most focused?

  2. When am I able to quiet my mind the best?

  3. Am I able to separate from my ego/ my problems to better understand the world and others?

  4. When do I feel at peace?

  5. Do I have a regular meditation practice? Describe the steps it took to get there, struggles with it, or a goal to begin meditating.

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