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The Importance of Routines (& Being Okay With Breaking Them)

AKA: The Art of Finding the Balance between Structure and Freedom

On my drive to work a few days ago, one of my favorite podcasts, The Health Code, discussed the importance of having routines for your health and well-being. Routines can help us reduce stress and lower our cortisol levels, which helps with weight loss and lowers fatigue. Routines, especially morning routines, give us more of a sense of control over our day. Morning routines give us a fresh start and basically set the tone for our mood, productivity, etc throughout the day. Nighttime routines are super important too because they give us a chance to unwind and rest our minds so we can fall asleep more quickly and have a better quality of rest!

Later that same day, I was on a Zoom call for my 200 hr RYT program, and our instructor asked us to list our core values. This wasn't just a list of qualities we value, but also things that make us who we are. I wrote that organization was one of my core values that makes me who I am, but so are my routines - especially my morning routine. My personality is pretty type-A and I am super super organized and productivity-driven, so I have always maintained various routines to help me keep a sense of control when I'm juggling a lot of different projects and commitments.

My morning routine has faced some changes as I've settled into my new work schedule. When I first started my job a few weeks ago, I was trying to get in my workout and as much else as I could before I went to work. While I was in college, I ALWAYS woke up super early to get all my homework done, because I found that I was so much more productive in the mornings. This worked for me back then, but I found myself crashing at around 2:00 pm in the office every afternoon if I started my day too early - which made the rest of my afternoon groggy and unpleasant. I've listened to the changes in my body and learned that the super early mornings probably aren't for me anymore.

I usually try to wake up early enough before work to do a quick yoga flow because I like getting moving in the mornings to help me wake up. On weekends I usually try to take a 20-30 minute walk as well before fixing breakfast in order to get my blood flowing - I actually began doing this because I heard on another of my favorite podcasts (The Skinny Confidential) that it is one of the best ways to boost your metabolism for the day to promote weight loss. I also like this as some time that I can listen to podcasts or music (fav podcasts: The Skinny Confidential, The Betches Sup, Call Her Daddy, Food Sex and Money, The Health Code, Yogaland, and BBC Global News - always looking for new podcast recs!), get some fresh air, and think about the things I need to accomplish that day.

On days that I work, I always prep my lunch and breakfast the night before (hello overnight oats every morning) so I can just grab my stuff and head out the door. I've come to really appreciate my weekend mornings because I love cooking breakfast and sitting outside with my coffee while reading or journaling. I've always been a big fan of morning time because I think its the most peaceful time of the day - and starting things early in the morning gives so much freedom for the rest of the day.

I think I feel my best when I get up and get moving in the morning - morning exercise is also shown to boost your metabolism for the day and helps me to wake up a little (just a little something quick though!). However, if I don't follow this routine in the morning ITS OKAY!!!! My body knows some mornings that it needs that extra 20 - 30 minutes of sleep and that is so okay!!! Like I mentioned earlier, I am really type A and it used to really bother me if I broke my routines and this rigid schedule stressed me out more than it comforted me. Some days I want to lay in bed for an hour and be lazy or read or journal or cuddle, and thats so fine! It doesn't mean I am lazy or slacking, I'm just listening to my body and my needs. Routines don't have to be perfect!!

So basically what I'm trying to say is that routines are a great way to exercise some control in your life, a great way to unwind, and a way to find a little comfort in the morning or in the evening. But life happens and its important to let it happen! Routines are made to be broken to give our bodies, souls, and hearts what they need <3

What kind of routines do you try to keep? Share in the comments!


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